Monday, September 20, 2010

The first few weeks!

My adorable little monkey moo. I always thought it was funny when I heard people refer to their children by a million different nicknames and yet I find myself doing the very same thing. For the most part she is Lainey Girl or Monkey, but at times she is munchkin, moo moo, precious, little one, and about a million other I am too embarrassed to admit too just yet. The first few weeks have been a roller coaster but have been some of the best moments of my life thus far! I cannot believe how much I adore my little buddy. I am constantly worried for her and have been trying hard to manage this ridiculous fear that she will starve to death. We have been exclusively breast feeding and this has proven to be one of the hardest things I have ever done. It is definitely getting better each day but is still our biggest challenge. I love changing her and dressing her and playing with her- though this mainly consists of me looking at her and saying "can you see me yet?!" haha I love snuggling with her and can't believe how many hours a day are spent just looking at her!
I had to share this photo as its the closest I have gotten to catching her "pooping" face. I never though something so silly (POOPING) could make my heart melt EVERY TIME! I just love watching her concentrate and then let it rip. The loudest and strangest noises come from my dainty little girl.
Hopefully she won't suffer any serious eye damage with all these photos but I just want everyone to get to see how cute my little monkey is!!

Daddy captured her first nail clipping. I was petrified cutting her nails for the first time and didn't do too bad. Her finger nails were rolled on themselves so I did cause some minor bleeding but I am pretty certain it hurt me more than it hurt her.

This is Lainey's old belly button! She has officially lost her umbilical cord stump. It surprised me how exciting of an event this was. It should be no big deal when it falls off but I was sooo excited for her. Both Aaron and I were telling her what a BIG GIRL she was and we felt so proud when it was gone. We of course saved it and years from now when she goes through her baby box I am sure she will be horrified that we saved it.

Lainey slept through her entire FIRST WALK! Since this first walk we have gone on several more and she seems to really enjoy these. She looks all around and seems very content to get bounced around as we walk over the acorn covered side walks. I feel very luck to have a baby who LOVES the stroller

Her first curse! She was kid enough to give her Grammi the middle finger as she snuggled her to sleep.

I just love this picture. My new family is right there! Aren't they an adorable crew???? I am so lucky.

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