Let me first preface this post by saying that I am a breastfeeding supporter, a formula feeding supporter and as one of our fellow bloggers put so perfectly I support feeding babies!! I think that whatever works for you and your family is great. I have thought a lot about this topic in the past 4 months and I think that this is a huge decision for a family to make and one that should be made without worrying about what other people will think of you. Being a parent is stressful enough and I for one will be sure to never judge a mother feeding her baby again- boob, bottle or whatever!
When I first decided to give the whole Breastfeeding thing a go I started reading all these books, websites, articles etc. etc. etc. etc. about feeding babies. It wasn't such a good idea for me and has truly led to a very neurotic mama. For some reason I am obsessed with ensuring that Lainey gets the absolute best nutritional start possible. I definitely struggled with breastfeeding in the beginning. I suffered sore and bleeding nipples, engorgement, latch-on difficulties and a roller-coaster of hormonal emotions. But somehow we made it through. We utilized a nipple shield- well actually 5 nipple shields since Boomer decided to eat them when he was jealous of the baby- and lots and lots of trial and error. At an evening feeding on week 12 Lainey decided that she no longer wanted to use the nipple shield and latched on perfectly for the first time ever. From that point forward we started feedings without the nipple shield and now she feeds without it at every feeding. Now that I am back at work I am trying to master the art of producing enough milk, pumping and nursing when I am home. I honestly believe that this process is an art NOT a science as there doesn't seem to be any magic one step potion that makes this process work. It is a full-time commitment, a time consuming process and surely makes balancing work and motherhood just a little bit tougher. But I can say without hesitation that it is something I am committed to doing this for as long as I am possible. I would love to give a date but at this point I take it week by week and give myself a little pat on the back every Friday when I get home from work. I have been blessed to be able to produce enough milk- with some diet changes (bring on the oatmeal) and a few extra pumps on days when its just not flowing like it should- and so I have decided that I want to provide my baby with mama milk through the most important months of her development. I want to formally apologize to all those nursing mama's that I judged prior to starting my own experience. For a long time I thought you were "weird." I had no idea how difficult it was and how much a lifestyle commitment it would be. I am happy to report that I am finally realizing the beauty of this gift and I am grateful for the experience that we have had thus far.
Way to feed that baby!