Thursday, January 6, 2011

A personality all her own...

Well let me start by saying my whole life I have wished for a child with some spunk....maybe a little bit fresh....not a misbehaved child by any means but I hopes to raise a confident strong young lady...Lucky for me I think we are on this road.  I love love love that Lainey knows what she wants and isn't afraid to give a little squeal to let us know.  She is, in my opinion, absolutely hysterical! She has started exploring some new sounds of late and now we are lucky enough to hear a lot more than just your everyday cooing and have started to hear some shrieks, some laughs, and some gurgles. As she makes these beautiful sounds you can see her little eyes light up as she realizes that SHE did that.  It is truly and amazing thing to see pride in your little one's eyes and it's made me realize that I need her to know how very very proud I am of her.....

Dear Lainey,

You are only 4 months old but your mama is about as proud of you as I can be.  Its funny how as a child myself I always thought that I needed to do something really impressive in order for my parents, your Grammy and Grampy, to be proud of me.  You know, things like graduate from college, buy a house, start a 401K, things like that.  I had no idea that on a random day, for particular great achievement, they could look at me and feel pride.  But now that I am watching you sleep beside me I am overwhelmed with pride.  You are 4 months old and you are so independent, beautiful, playful, caring, generous, snuggly, funny and lovable.  You already have a personality all your own and let me tell you little moo that its wonderful.  I love you so much and though I wish all kids of great achievements come your way you should wake up every morning and go to sleep every night knowing that your mama is so proud of you.


1 comment:

  1. so sweet! & holy tamale is she ever cute. she's getting so expressive, it's amazing to see how quickly she's growing and changing.
