Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve!

I have been trying to convince Lainey all day today that New Years Eve is her holiday and that since her middle name is thanks to this WONDERFUL holiday that she is destined to have fabulous New year's Eve's for many years to come.  By the amount of smiles and silliness she has elicited today I am pretty sure she is in agreement that NYE is AWESOME!! I must say that 2010 has been a fabulous year.  But then I really feel like every year I say this.  2008- I was so excited because we had JUST bought our first home, 2009 we were married and JUST found out we were pregnant 2010 we had our beautiful girl and she JUST found her little toes this we*.  We have a lot to be thankful for here in the Babinski household and we have even more to look forward too.  Bring it on 2011- we are excited! 

I have for about as long as I can remember LOVED when babies eat their own toes.  I think it is adorable and have been waiting for this milestone since I found out I was pregnant!  And this week sure enough Lainey reached down, tugged off her sockies (which is a task she has officially mastered) and inserted her big toe into her mouth.  Her face was absolutely priceless and once again this little angel has melted my heart more than I thought possible.  I was actually telling my mother this week that she seems to think that she is the luckiest baby on earth to have feet.  Sometimes she will take a quick nibble and look at me with her big beautiful eyes and I swear she is giving me a look that says "thank you soooooo much for giving me these feet" I don't want to deny that I am sure God had a hand in creating such a beautiful babe but I can't help but lean in close to my moo and whisper "you're welcome"

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

4 months!

Today my beautiful baby is 4 months old.  It seems like such a big milestone to me.  3 months has been such a fun age and everyday seems to be getting more exciting and more fun!  Of course we will be sharing some Christmas photos and stories  (probably tomorrow) but I just couldn't let today pass without noting that I am so proud of you you cutie Monkey Moo Moo. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Annnnddd We're Back!

I know I know! Why has no one said anything to me about what a failure I have been at this blog. Well here are my excuses....1. I am in denial that my little one is getting to be such a big girl. 2. I am horrified at how hard it is to return to work- I have no idea how working mothers have time for anything.... which leads to 3. I didn't want to share my stories because I wanted to keep them all to myself. It's bad enough I have to share her ALL day, 40 hours a week to go to work! and finally 4. We haven't gotten more than about an hour or two of sleep at a time since about mid-November....teething is an evil evil time!

Although I do not feel it is getting any easier to go to work in the morning I do feel as though the little moo is just too darn cute not to share. Instead of backtracking the past two months and blabbering on and on and on and on here is a bunch of pictures of our cutie monkey moo moo. I promise to do better!

And a little video to share just because you've stuck with us! -- Sorry its sideways, someday I will learn the proper way to use technology!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Baby's First Denim!!

So around 2:47 this morning I awoke to Lainey's usual gurgling and cooing. She was awake and ready to eat! I leaned over the bed to look at her in her bassinet and sure enough SHE GREW! I swear to God the girl grew during the two and half hours of sleep we had just got. I started getting nervous thinking that she isn't going to be able to sleep in this bassinet forever despite the fact that I would love to have her beside me until she's 50! I fed her and it was time to change her diaper so we went to her room to use the changing table. I unwrap her from the swaddling blanket and she is busting out of her PJ's. This morning we got up and she doesn't fit in any of her newborn clothes anymore! I was sooooooo excited! As much as I want her to stay little for as long as possible I have been dying to put her in some of her ADORABLE 0-3month clothes. So to celebrate Lainey got to wear jeans for the first time in her life. I love the colors in this butterfly onsie and have had it laying out with her jeans for weeks just waiting for her to wear this cute outfit!

Her tiny little legs looks so cute in these jeans!! And of course she is wearing shoe socks!

She absolutely knows how cute she is today because she has been smirking at me all day!
Just like above- ohhh mom You are crazy!

And because I am obsessed with her pooping face...and finally captured it on is a new video for you to watch! Luckily my mom, dad, sister and I have found Skype so these video's don't need to hold them over until they see her again as we try to skype as often as possible. But for those of you who haven't met the monkey yet- here she is in all her glory!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I love.......

I love your birthmarks, the one on your forehead, left eye and the back of your neck. It makes me sad that they are fading though I am sure you will be happy when you are a teenager trying on makeup. I love your wolf ears. This too I know won't last. Your super black hairy ears make me melt every time I see them. I love that the inside of your ears are the shape of a perfect light bulb. I love your poop face. I love that you concentrate so hard and bat your eyes a few times before pooping. I love all your faces. I love your cute little lips. I love that sometimes when you are sleeping you start smacking your lips together like you are dreaming about eating- Mommy dreams about breakfast frequently too! I love your crooked little pinkies. I love your thumbnails- they are so perfectly shaped I am jealous. I love that your fingernails grow faster than anything I could have imagined. I love that your belly is starting to get a little pudge to it. I love that you have an "inny" belly button. I love that your little tush is so tiny its smaller than my palms. I love your toes and I can't wait until you discover them and start eating them the way that I want to now. I love that you LOVE bath time. I love the noises you make when you are eating. I love that when you get frustrated you scream a little and punch your fists. I love that you are smiling now. I love it when you get up in the middle of the night, look right at me and make the biggest smile of the day- I will love it even more when you smile like this in the daylight. I love that your hair is dark on the bottom and light on the top and that your eyes are blue but in some lights have a brownish tint- its keeping the mystery about what color hair and eyes you will have. I love when you snuggle up on my chest and reach your hand up to touch my neck. I love that you look like me. I love that you look like your daddy. I love it when you make this "whoa" face when Boomer gets close to your face- don't worry he is a dog NOT a really hairy human. I LOVE your nose- especially the tip- this I have loved since our very first ultrasound. I love that every day you are changing but that I can still predict your needs. I love it when you fart- I don't know why this is a surprise to me- I knew that babies poop but I just never imagined that babies fart. I laugh out loud every time you do- even during the night. I love that you pee on me 50% of the time I change you. I love that you recognize me. I love that you recognize your daddy. I love your daddy more than ever- he is such a good daddy, such a good husband and he gave me you! I love when you are sleeping and the light comes on you squeeze your eyelids together and it looks like you are "fake" sleeping. I love that you smirk already. I love that there are still a million things I have to learn about you. I love that your eyebrows are so blonde it looks like you don't have any. I love that you learned to breastfeed. I love that you are such a good baby. I love that everyone describes you as dainty. I love that most of the time when you are nursing you fall asleep with a mouth full of milk (like you are storing it up for later) and when I pick you up to burp you you spit it right out at me. I love how nosy you are. I love that when you are sleepy but still want to know what's going on you look at me with only one eye open- we call it the "one eye." Even your cousins know about the "one eye" and will tell me that you are giving them the "one eye." I love when you are laying on my chest you will pick your head up, stretch as far as you can and look around- it reminds me of a turtle. I love you in your yellow polka dot pants with the firefly on the bum. I love when you wear a headband. I love brushing your hair and the way it looks after its brushed. I love that you are soooo cute. I love YOU......and I will forever and ever and ever.....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

1 month!

Lainey is officially one month old today! I can't believe how quickly it has gone by and how even though its flown by I feel as though Lainey has been with us forever!! Here is a picture of her today- before she pooped out the side of her diaper and needed a new outfit (this is her new favorite thing to do!) The month has really been great! The beginning started out hard as we got used to the sleep deprivation and tackled what seemed like the impossible task of breast feeding. Now that she is one month old I can happily look back and say that we are functioning quite well on minimal sleep and breastfeeding has become a happy, manageable and now loving time! I never thought that I would be able to say that I have kept her alive for one month with my body and it really does make me feel so incredible to have made it through and to still be breastfeeding.

I must say that my favorite thing to do is to sit and watch her just make faces and noises and be herself. Below is a video of my lovebug- complete with her hiccups (she gets them ALL the time) and a really great FART! She is quite talented in this department as well! Well I am sorry to have added 3 posts in one day but I wasn't able to finish the others before now! We are going to spend the rest of the week loving Aaron because he returns to work on Monday :-( Lainey and I are so lucky to have had him home for so long!

God Bless Lainey!

We had Lainey's Christening on September 26th! It was a great day!!! It was one of the most adult moments I have ever had. I thought having a child was adult but having her baptized definitely felt more adult than welcoming her into the world. We were so happy to have so many family members and friends join us! When we called to schedule her baptism we were surprised to only have 2 weeks to pull everything together and let everyone know about her special day! We were so happy that so many people could make it and we missed those who weren't!

Lainey's Godparents are my sister Catherine and Aaron and I's brother-in-law Joe. We are really excited about these choices and think that Lainey is a very special girl to have such great Godparents. If anyone can best represent Aaron and I it is Catherine and Joe. All four of us were not really sure what we were doing that day but luckily we have the nicest priest and he walked us through the process.

Lainey looked absolutely adorable in her Christening gown. Here is Grammy showing her off to me for the picture. Poor Grammy got cut out of all the pictures because I was just so in love with my little one I zoomed right in!

Grammy was nice enough to get Lainey matching shoes, panties, headband and sweater! Here are her cute LITTLE shoes.

Lainey's First Bath!

So Lainey got her first bath on Sept 20th! Her umbilical cord stump was finally all gone and she got to get wet in her tub! At first she was horrified and was holding on to my sweatshirt for dear life. Once I realized that she was SCARED I held her hand for a minute and talked to her and she seemed to calm down and LOVE her bath after that. She has had several baths since then and has shed a single tear about it. She actually cries when I take her out of the bath! Let's hope her love of water lasts forever!

Giving me the "mama save me!" look!

OOhhhh maybe this isn't so bad!

My adorable naked baby!

All finished! She absolutely loves having her hooded towel wrapped around her. She makes this sweet little sighing noise whenever she gets all wrapped up.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The first few weeks!

My adorable little monkey moo. I always thought it was funny when I heard people refer to their children by a million different nicknames and yet I find myself doing the very same thing. For the most part she is Lainey Girl or Monkey, but at times she is munchkin, moo moo, precious, little one, and about a million other I am too embarrassed to admit too just yet. The first few weeks have been a roller coaster but have been some of the best moments of my life thus far! I cannot believe how much I adore my little buddy. I am constantly worried for her and have been trying hard to manage this ridiculous fear that she will starve to death. We have been exclusively breast feeding and this has proven to be one of the hardest things I have ever done. It is definitely getting better each day but is still our biggest challenge. I love changing her and dressing her and playing with her- though this mainly consists of me looking at her and saying "can you see me yet?!" haha I love snuggling with her and can't believe how many hours a day are spent just looking at her!
I had to share this photo as its the closest I have gotten to catching her "pooping" face. I never though something so silly (POOPING) could make my heart melt EVERY TIME! I just love watching her concentrate and then let it rip. The loudest and strangest noises come from my dainty little girl.
Hopefully she won't suffer any serious eye damage with all these photos but I just want everyone to get to see how cute my little monkey is!!

Daddy captured her first nail clipping. I was petrified cutting her nails for the first time and didn't do too bad. Her finger nails were rolled on themselves so I did cause some minor bleeding but I am pretty certain it hurt me more than it hurt her.

This is Lainey's old belly button! She has officially lost her umbilical cord stump. It surprised me how exciting of an event this was. It should be no big deal when it falls off but I was sooo excited for her. Both Aaron and I were telling her what a BIG GIRL she was and we felt so proud when it was gone. We of course saved it and years from now when she goes through her baby box I am sure she will be horrified that we saved it.

Lainey slept through her entire FIRST WALK! Since this first walk we have gone on several more and she seems to really enjoy these. She looks all around and seems very content to get bounced around as we walk over the acorn covered side walks. I feel very luck to have a baby who LOVES the stroller

Her first curse! She was kid enough to give her Grammi the middle finger as she snuggled her to sleep.

I just love this picture. My new family is right there! Aren't they an adorable crew???? I am so lucky.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lainey's here!!

Well I have about 3 posts that are halfway finished that never got published- pertaining to the end of the pregnancy and awaiting the arrival of our little monkey. We also have some Shower #2 pictures to post. I will definitely finish those up and add them to the blog but for now I wanted to proudly announce the birth of our little monkey!! Lainey Eve Babinski was born at 10:59pm on August 28th. She was 8 lbs. 1.5 oz. and 21 inches long. She is absolutely perfect!! The first 2 weeks have been a roller coaster ride for sure but we seem to have adjusted and the last few days have been amazing!! We had our fair share of breastfeeding woes but we've been sticking it out and it truly seems to be getting better. So far Lainey likes to sleep, poop and make funny faces! Aaron and I are convinced that she is a very advanced baby as she already holds her head up when on her tummy, can respond to her name and just seems like she already has her own personality.

Many people have asked where her name came from: Lainey- basically Aaron and I made a long list of our favorite names- He added Lainey and we both just thought it fit her. At first we were thinking of Laney but I did not like the mean (a road) and wanted something a little more special. We actually both found Lainey-meaning bright light, torch, shining star- the same day and I think it was a sign that she was meant to be Miss. Lainey! Eve- I remember hearing her heartbeat for the first time and I was sort of overwhelmed with this feeling of excitement and hope. It was the exact same feeling I had the night I met Aaron. Like there was just no turning back and the future was sure to be bright. So in order to acknowledge how Lainey came to be we decided to name her Eve - in reference to the night we met- New Years Eve.

Boomer has been adjusting very well! Way better than I ever could have imagined. He absolutely adores his little sister and has been very loving and very protective of her. We couldn't be happy with how he is responding!

Well now that we seem to be getting the hang of this parenting thing I hope to be able to post more regularly to share fun stories about our little monkey! As well as some photos!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Best Week Ever!!!

So for whatever reason this has been one of my favorite pregnancy weeks so far! I have felt so much better, more energy, more comfortable in my own body and abilities and just generally happier! Its been a busy week! I actually got to do some cleaning around the house! We had our family over to celebrate our anniversary! I worked a full week at work! The Kwajewski's came for dinner on Friday night- we just love spending time with them! And Jess W came to visit for the weekend! It was nice week! The little monkey is moving around like crazy! Its becoming more and more fun to watch! I can really tell what some of her parts are now and she is starting to take up a lot more room! I did sleep for about 20 of the 24 hours today haha but everyone needs a lazy Sunday every once in a while!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

34 weeks!!

So I am officially 34 weeks pregnant today!! I could not be more excited about that! I feel very relieved and I am proud of the little monkey for deciding to stick it out! I have recently felt like I have a little more energy than before- I am not sure if this is because I was pretty much just laying around all the time trying to get her to stay put and now I am getting off the couch or if its just because I literally have more energy but it feels good. I've been experiencing some of that round ligament pain and just some general cramping but everything seems to be normal for this time so we are happy about that! We have our 34 week checkup tomorrow and I am excited to hear her heartbeat- that is honestly a sound I could never get sick of! She's been stretching quite a bit in there and its funny to watch her little behind stick out one side and her arms and legs the other! She has the hiccups all the time too including as I write this!!! The other day she had them 7 times! As sad as I am that she has hiccups they remind me of my grandfather and I like that!! Aaron has been having chats with her every night before bed, WHICH I LOVE, and she seems to be turning into quite a little daddy's girl! oooohhh I can't wait to meet her!!

In other news Aaron and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on Sunday and it was very special!! We ate a piece of our wedding cake that had been frozen for a year and surprise surprise it was pretty good!!!! Our family came over for a cookout- minus Mikey, Catherine and the Brewers, who were missed but we still had a great day! We also drank out of our wedding goblets which was very fun! Unfortunately there was no champagne toast but maybe we can make up for that next year!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Nursery update!

I still feel as though our to do list is miles long but we are starting to get some things done and can finally imagine a baby living in this house with us! Aaron has officially finished the closet upstairs and we have painted and moved our room up there!! He finished the upstairs bathroom and took down the old yucky tub doors as well! We painted the downstairs bedroom and are in the process of finishing this up as a guest room/den. We painted the nursery and have started decorating a little bit! Here is what we have done so far!

I can't wait until we post the final nursery pictures but that is probably a few weeks away!!

Weekly Updates

I am so far behind on updating these belly pictures!! I am pretty sure that they speak for themselves!

27 weeks!
28 weeks!

29 weeks!

30 weeks!!

31 weeks!

32 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!